Greener solutions for the UK housing crisis

We brought together a panel of experts from the economics, design, psychology and sociology spheres for this campaign, which advocates for the densification of existing cities to address the UK housing crisis.
We began with a roundtable discussion exploring the extent of the housing shortage and the intended role of garden cities as a solution. From here, we worked with the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) to undertake quantitative research and economic modelling of alternative scenarios, and published a report that argues against garden cities and puts forward ideas for greener, more economically viable and socially sustainable solutions.
Key ideas
- Ben BolgarSenior Director, Prince’s Foundation for Building Community
- Dr Christine WhiteheadProfessor of Housing, London School of Economics
- Colm SheehySenior Economist, Centre for Economics and Business Research
- Frances GannonArchitect, Make Architects
- Greg WillisArchitect, Make Architects
- Dr Iqbal HamiduddinLecturer of Transport Planning and Housing, University College London
- John PrevcArchitect, Make Architects
- Dr Katherine DraysonEnvironment and Energy Research Fellow, The Policy Exchange
- Dr Ken ShuttleworthFounder and Chair, Future Spaces Foundation
- Paul SwinneySenior Economist, Centre for Cities
- Richard HebditchAssistant Director of External Affairs, The National Trust
- Toby LloydHead of Policy, Shelter
- Trudi Elliot CBEChief Executive, Royal Town Planning Institute